Le French Fest 5

Shauit, Sarahmée and Wesli

le 27 septembre 2019 à 20 h

Friday Night Fest!


Shauit, who hails from Maliotenam in northeastern Quebec, is a singer-songwriter who performs in Creole, French and English, but especially in his native Innu language. This unique artist puts heartfelt and socially conscious lyrics to reggae, pop and dance hall beats. He serves as a proud ambassador of his Indigenous culture throughout the world.


Sarahmée is a Senegalese-born rapper who shares her quest for freedom in music and life. She has impressively collaborated with a number of performers from Quebec and France. Confident and mature in her attitude and her writing, she is one of the rare female rappers to have carved out a prominent place in a male-dominated genre.


Wesli was born in Port-au-Prince in Haïti. At age 8, he crafted his own guitar with bits of oils drums and fishing line. His family of seven siblings grew up in a home where music was second nature and an escape from a life of hardship. Today, he brings us a uniquely festive and rousing sound with dynamic arrangements and socially engaged lyrics.

Une évolution culturelle

La Slague a été créée dans les années soixante par le Centre des jeunes de Sudbury. Avec la renaissance de La Slague au Carrefour francophone, c’est une 3e génération de diffusion de saisons de spectacle de musique qui commence.

Découvrez notre histoire et nos spectacles passés